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Nash Holdings President of Restaurant Development, Frank "Skip" Follette has many years of experience in the hospitality, entertainment, food, beverage and the restaurant profession.
Over 25 years of ownership, development, consulting and many related aspects in the industry.
As our Company accelerates both with capital and job creation, Skip will be selecting the best individuals to come under his wing and build out our restaurant development and consulting to others in need for a change to create a new fresh name, look and menu, whether they are launching a new theme or doing a make over.
We are very excited as a TEAM together to launch ALIVE ALOE - New Whole Bodies, Drinks Foods and encourage restaurant owners to add our NEW "One of a Kind" ALIVE ALOE products and encourage their diners to try ALIVE ALOE flavored organic waters, lemonades, ice teas, margaritas, coladas, bloody mary's, yogurts, smoothies, gelatos, puddings etc. and take a coupld ALIVE ALOE Oil Capsules as well with .  
These creative resturant owners will be motivated with an incredible NEW Organic Vita-Nutrient ALIVE ALOE product to educate their diners to a healthier lifestyle and to purchase the
in-house ALIVE ALOE related whole drinks foods and to pickup  their 90 day or 30 day COMBO ALIVE ALOE 20X Concentrate and ALIVE ALOE Oil Capsules for home use!
View pictures of Skip's current make over in Fayetteville, NC.  The owners former name was "The Village Coffee House" and NEW name is still under process for copyright etc., however is a BISTRO theme!  Our Company as a TEAM congratulates Skip on his success with our first consulting and make over client, GREAT JOB SKIP!
One consulting area that seems to be an "in need" area is the following:
Employees in many restaurants and in food preparation, may become bored and physically tired when it is a "non-busy" time. It is at this time that restaurant owners and managers must motivate employees.  
We are agressive on cleansiness!   When the non-busy times of the day and evening come around, it is this time, when employees should be given cleaning tasks in the dining areas, kitchen, counter etc.  One incentive is to offer an employee to work at cleaning an area and become proud of the cleansiness work effort and maybe offer to leave a little early that shift and still get paid for entire shift.
Instead of sitting to standing around watching the next couple hours or more tick by, until they are punching out to leave for that shift, let them take on a cleaning task.  
This will make the work and public area more bacteria free, look pleasant to the public and employees and make the shifts go by faster.  Many times we enter restaurants and other businesses and it seems the employees are dragging, tired and not happy. Then we look around and see an area that needs cleaning.
A little cleaning on a regular basis, on top of normal side work is done quickly and never lets the location get to a point of needing a huge cleaning task to get it back in acceptable manner.
Also, with all businesses not just food and beverage, we strongly recommend employers to introduce our ALIVE ALOE products and maybe pay half or more the costs for their employees to take ALIVE ALOE - AM/PM supplement, every day.  This will assist each employee and employers, with huge vita-nutrients, alive enzymes, amino acids, essential fatty acids and give the body what it is designed to have and assist the body in fighting infectious diseases.  
Giving the employees natural energy, not from caffeine, sugars and other enemies of our bodies.  This we feel, will also assist the employer with keeping the company health care insurance costs down, less sick days for employees and more alert employees with natural energy.
When we at Nash Holdings and related companies need a boost we just take a straight shot of ALIVE ALOE 20X Cold Processed Concentrated Extract and within minutes you feel natural energy flow, without sugar, caffeine!   Also, when swishing it in the mouth for a couple minutes it assists in killing germs and fighting mouth diseases as proven for many years, naturally.
You will also learn on our ALIVE ALOE tab on this website, that we encourage all restaurants, clubs, fitness centers to add our ALIVE ALOE products and offer their patrons a HEALTHY CHOICE!  Straight shots of ALIVE ALOE or mixed with lemonade, teas, water and even alcoholic beverages, especially margaritas, bloody mary's, colada's etc.  
Also, promote as a whole food package with taking a couple of our ALIVE ALOE OIL Capsules to assist with the digestion of the mean to come at your restaurant etc.


NHI is founded on two great pillars, trusted worldwide news and honest business dealings.

NY Phone: 929-NHI-MONY or 929-644-6669


Nash Holdings Inc. in 2014 was one of the first U.S. companies to file its Reg D 506C filing and offering to the U.S. Congressional JOBS ACT through the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. We have since withdrawn our filing to pursue our Nash Gold Digitial Coins and related Co-GP Wall St. Funds that are in the highest grade institutional funds sector with the top U.S. investment bank funds and creating positive disruption in both the investment fund and digital currency coin blockchain sectors as you will view within our website.

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NHI NASH HOLDINGS, INC. stands with world citizens against racism, hate, discrimination of any kind.  As of March 2019 our "C" Corporation has now been moved to NY Secretary of the State Corporation filings, with the name of

"NHI NASH HOLDINGS, INC." and remain doing business under our long time copy written and known name of "NHI NASH HOLDINGS, INC." and with this website as our only corporate business website and information site, except for our basic social media profiles/accounts which are very limited and direct others to this site.

NHI Nash Holdings, Inc., Nash GP Capital, LLC, Nash Gold, LLC or any of our related entities - DO NOT SELL INVESTMENTS OR SECURITIES these are Private Investment Profit Clubs. We invite everyone to call us and find out how your can become a Managing Member of one of our LLC's and remember to note that all our our private equity funds are of the highest grade institutional funds (Top 10 USA Banks) in the world with required U.S. Federal Reserve Board-The FED Approval for all Risks.

NHI's Forward Looking Statements:  Any historical performance data represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results; Current performance may be different than the performance data presented; The Company is not required by law to follow any standard methodology when calculating and representing performance data; The performance of the Company may not be directly comparable to the performance of other private or registered funds or companies;  The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed upon the merits of or approved the securities, the terms of the offering, or the accuracy of the materials. We have expired on our Reg D 506C U.S. SEC Congressional JOBS ACT Filing as of 2022.


DISCLAIMER:  NHI NASH HOLDINGS, INC. (our Company a C-Corp located on the East Coast NY, USA - NOT a news media agency as our foundation)

is NOT part of,

owned by, has any ownership in or claims any direct affiliation of Amazon's

NASH HOLDINGS, LLC (a limited liability corporation located on the West Coast, USA and a news media agency as a foundation-parent company) which is part of Amazon's Group of Companies and this/their NASH HOLDINGS, LLC is the Parent Company of The Washington Post news agency. 


These two company names are merely a coincidence.  Ours a C-Corp and theirs a LLC and two separate business models for the majority of the foundations.


Our name was chosen for our Founder/Chairman's surname name:  Robert J. Nash NHI NASH HOLDINGS, INC.


We make it a point to communicate to everyone that we are not the other Amazon's - Nash Holdings, LLC and their is not any equity partnership, only our Amazon Prime and related affiliation is common.  We filed our Company C-Corp in July 2013 and Amazon purchased The Washington Post media news agency (Nash Holdings, LLC) in October 2013 as of public record, read below.


The Washington Post:

In October 2013, Jeff Bezos/Amazon Founder/Chair had purchased The Washington Post newspaper for $250 million in cash, under the name Nash Holdings LLC.  This also led to the exit of the longtime owners the Graham family who owned the paper for about 140 years straight.

However, our Company is an approved AMAZON AFFILIATE WORLDWIDE!  We want you to become excited about Amazon PRIME Memberships and college students for a low monthly cost of receiving yearly unlimited Amazon Internet Movies, yearly free FAST shipping and many other savings, bonuses and extras.  Remember Prime Pantry & Whole Foods for all you groceries and more!  Currently bringing NHI NASH HOLDINGS INC - AMAZON AFFILIATION has our first educational book with Amazon and we anticipate more products coming soon.  We are a long time business AMAZON PRIME MEMBER, lets get your PRIME account started today, select below to go to AMAZON NOW!


NHI Nash Holdings, Inc., Nash GP Capital, LLC, Nash Gold, LLC or any of our related entities - DO NOT SELL INVESTMENTS OR SECURITIES, we structure Member Managed LLC's with voting rights inside our ventures.  When we launch our U.S. based NASHDAX digital crypto exchange and list our NASH GOLD (NASHGD), BITCOIN, ETHEREUM, etc., we will register and be compliant with the U.S. Federal Reserve Board and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


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