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NHI NASH HOLDINGS and our long time Partner and Team Executive becoming our new HONORARY PRINCESS with the 54 Royal Families, NHI's great friends, families and business partners in Indonesia!  CONGRATULATIONS GONUL YUKSEL!


August 2023 : We anticipate the signing of multiple NEW JOINT VENTURE PARTNERSHIP agreements with growing smaller and medium production companies and layer our U.S. FED Regulated Compliant A+ Fund (Nash GP Capital LLC) to return profits to our co-GP (General Partners) of our Fund and shaved off NHI internal profits to support our JV film production Partners for entertainment investments. We anticipate working with distribution services like Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, YouTube and others for NHI and Partners. We are researching to launch a small distribution services within NHI as well.

Nash met the author and main character personally and is in daily contact with this person starting with this exiting collaboration. Our plan is for attracting additional General Partners (co-GP's for the required assets to launch the first season, with a profit return from our co-GP Fund of Funds ( US FED COMPLIANT REGULATED ) on top of bonus profits from this true life TV series as co-GP's, Nash Gold Crypto giveaways, auctioning off of the main character's Avatars with 100 already created by Nash Holdings. 

Over 10 million early fans of this new TV series will have a chance to pay a fee of $5.00 upfront to lock in their free first season of viewing, Nash Gold Crypto giveaways, an electric sports car giveaway and other related promotional gifts.


We anticipate to sign distribution for our TV series historical drama with Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube, Hulu or possibly we may create our own viewing platform and return more profits to our General Partners.  The larger General Partners that place a minimal amount of assets will also receive a "PRODUCER" credit in each episode!

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YES, what if, YOU and a private group of AVERAGE PEOPLE could place $50,000,000 in a LUXURY BEACH MANSION or LUXURY OCEAN YACHT as example and EVERY 5 years you received dollar for dollar your original amount returned to YOU?  Some in this private group may invest $25,000 some $100,000 some more and it does not matter YOU and all the other group members will receive your original dollar for dollar back to YOU as your return as a Managing Member with LLC "ROI" EVERY 5 years!  Read on ... 


We have the group set up for YOU and it is now being filled up, however in our Funds with yourself as a Managing Member, but you do not receive dollar for dollar on your original amount YOU receive an anticipated 2x TIMES your original amount EVERY 5 YEARS as anticipated! You can then buy a bigger home or boat for you and your family!  Bonus: for a limited time you may still quality to receive our Nash Gold Digital Coins as a Grant/Gift so act today!


Select the NHI Press Release screenshot below to view our latest news

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 Our Company stands with all world citizens against all racism, hate groups, discrimination at home and internationally.   We believe all nations should disrupt and stand up to people whose main mission is to hate, hurt or even kill other human beings and degrade our world, instead practicing essential optimistic beliefs in the human race

Select pic below to open and view our DECEMBER 2020 NHI U.S. SEC, U.S. CONGRESSIONAL JOBS ACT, JOINT VENTURE PARTNERS & INVESTORS LETTER - NOTE: As of July 2022 we withdrew our U.S. SEC filing - Jobs Act, but will remain as part of our history.


* * * * *


As of March 2020, Robert Nash is now a Member of the following U.S. Gem, Mineral and Lapidary Societies and Associations:

GMSS – Gem & Mineral Society of Syracuse, NY

(local NY State Member)

ELMLS – Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies, Inc.

(U.S. Northeastern Region Member)

NFMLS – National Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies, Inc.

(U.S. National Member)


* * * * *


In October 2019 NHI has signed a Joint Venture with two of the most successful Real Estate Agents in the world.  We anticipate a fruitful valued relationship as new real estate joint venture partners.  This joint venture is aimed at finding the newest and top real estate developments worldwide to offer to interested investors/buyers.  We anticipate international press releases as this joint venture accelerates ahead.  

Below are past interviews and since we have withdrawn our filing with the U.S. Jobs Act and U.S. SEC filing, so any comments of our past IPO, Jobs Act are no longer our direction however, are and will remain a part of our history.  


Our CEO recently met with the grandson, John Halsey, of our great WWII Fleet Admiral William "BULL" Halsey Jr., and brought him to meet Nash's stepfather, Walter Ellsworth (95 years) in Florida. Walt was in the 2nd day/wave Invasion of Normandy U.S. Army WWII. Nash's birth dad, Richard Nash U.S. Navy in the Pacific, Earl V. Johnson Escort Destroyer his ship was missed by inches from a Japanese torpedo attack and thankfully all survived.  Meeting John Halsey made Walt's day, a real honor.

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At our Partner Gonul Yuksel's Syracuse Newstand, Destiny USA Mall in Syracuse NY, view our 2nd Keith Urban Custom Guitar Raffle Drawing WINNERS. First Raffle winner on Dec. 23rd 2018 was Jaden from Rochester NY area (left) and Don Mullen won from Syracuse NY area with his family, he now owns 16 guitars


Below select pictures to go to our new Partnerships, Research & Developments


NHI highlighting new precious metals development Company with NOMAD EXPLORATION (NE).  View our NASDAQ Globe Newswire Press Release, our business plan by selecting the presentation cover picture below and introduction video. 

Below is half view of our July 23, 2018 NASDAQ GLOBE NEWSWIRE for NOMAD EXPLORATION - select the image/pic below to view entire full page/press release.

NHI had another successful trip to UAE and first business venture to Turkey (including Nash being injured by a bad driver).  We are presenting our NOMAD EXPLORATION Equity Investor Partner opportunity to many around the world, especially in Turkey, Dubai and Abu Dhabi who are particularly interested in our U.S. Gold and other precious metals development and exploratory unique techniques. Pictured here with our Partner Gonul Yuksel an American and Turkish dual citizen and business entrepreneur, pictured at Syracuse Newstand in NY.


Together at the United Nations and NASDAQ Tower screen NYC

NASH HOLDINGS in March 2018 at the International MAGNETICS CONFERENCE and the MONEY SHOW in Orlando FL.  NHI is always seeking education in all areas and sectors to assist our valuation, investments and what is essential for our Investors to gain additional profits. Zoom in on some of the pictures on the investment presentation screens, very interesting show. 


On our many trips to internationally including Italy where we visited a new technology for small high performance turbo engine helicopters (founders are retired Ferrari engineers) and also had an invite for VIP tour of Ferrari in Maranello, Italy.  View NHI videos below.

January 2018

Our new video of the FUTURE OF OTHODONTIC APPLIANCES Partners.

February 2017


Nash Holdings is very proud to stand against white collar crimes and corruption. As in our NASDAQ Nash Holdings press release in August 2013 in which Robert Nash was a key witness and providing evidence for possible indictment of Peter Iodice the former Chairman/President of businesses that Nash was also a third owner and director. Nash was the key witness, provided the essential evidence against Iodice to assist the investigators with these recent guilty pleas of Iodice.  It all started with Nash forcing Iodice to resign. We are very proud of this outcome.


Nash, hundreds of investors, other business partners were swindled out of millions of dollars by Iodice. Iodice's recent arrest and guilty pleas to these past companies with violating the securities regulations in SC and breach of trust with fraudulent intent. We are proud of this news and hoping that some restitution will be paid to all of us as victims and innocent parties. View the below NASDAQ Nash Holdings press release (excerpts shown, click on picture to open full press release). All worldwide business leaders should stand together against corruption and especially white collar criminals, that hurt us all, everyday.

January 2017


Our Company has succeeded greatly with our relationship with NASDAQ and related NASDAQ OMX GLOBE NEWS WIRES with delivering our news and business model worldwide. Now they are leading the way in business news and new opportunities they are launching, just fantastic!

December 2016


Nash Holdings is very happy to announce our newest Executive Marketing Executives, Gurmeet Singh, India, Daaiyah Muhammad, Los Angeles, California, Sabrina Brathwaite and Andrew Thomas, Barbados Caribbean.  Gurmeet is passionate introducing NHI to business owners in India, Daaiyah is launching her worldwide indigenous talent and beauty pagaent and Sabrina and Andrew already have a business owner interested in investing in our Company and possible Joint Venture Partnerships with Grocery Stores, Internet Cafes and more! Join me in welcoming and congratulating both Sabrina and Andrew! Congratulations to both of you and your families.


August 2016


Nash Holdings is very proud of "THE CITY INVISIBLE" in CATANIA SICILY ITALY with Alfia Milazo and our growing support of this essential school in Italy.  Many unfortunate children of poor neighborhoods who find loving passion and opportunies to learn to play music with classical formal classes, radio and TV production, music production and much more.  Here is a video recently promoting their school spreading music with love and passion worldwide!

August 2015


Nash Holdings as a new member of the AEA - American Economic Association has just complete the 2017 Officers Ballot.  Our Membership and our first voting ballot for the American Economic Association 2017 AEA OFFICERS Official Election Ballot is in the mail. Being a Member of the AEA with the education, professional development and associate contacts being made is essential and of top importance to NASH HOLDINGS.




July 2016


Nash Holdings with an essential Medical Group Partner to bring to the world many new revolutionized orthodontic applicances from retainers to other dental mouth applicances that hold all the necessary U.S. Patents and anticipating international patents soon.  Top picture below is the new standard and our Partners and Developers have hit a home run with these great appliances and products.  Select the top picture to go to directly to our FUTURE OTHODONTIC APPLIANCES tab, drop down tab under ABOUT main tab.

June 2016


Our Company is contacted often by many associations to join, however we can not join all of these great associations.  Today, however after a long review of the AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION in Nashville TN, we had to join this pretegious, important economical association.  With over 20,000 members from top economists around the world to journalists to investors, this is one association that Nash Holdings, Inc. will definately be active with utilizing all its benefits.


May 2016


Nash Holdings, Inc. Real Estate Land Development plans are being finalized.  First in America and then with anticipations internationally with our European Partners.  From high-end residential luxury homes to commercial development of hotels, condos, business centers, shopping centers, grocery stores, restaurants and other related land development.  Below is a small glimpse of our business plan that has been approved.

May 2016


Nash Holdings with our other Partner's, anticipates to be a leader with health organic supplements, health education, new technologies with energy.  Including anticipations with top organic doctor and writer of some of the world's most thourough and informative organic natural medicine researchers and collaborators to in Europe, along with our ALIVE ALOE scientist/formulator supplier.  With our science formulator leadership for our "ALIVE ALOE - New Whole Bodies, Drinks Foods" now with over 20 products under development, we will merge these great products, services and top natural organic health leaders together under our Nash Holdings umbrella with the future subsidiaries.  Stay tuned!

May 2016


Nash Holdings accepted an invite to visit the Fondazione "La Città Invisibile" 

by the President of the foundation, Alfia Milazzo, Salvatore Loria (Sal is heading up a news journalism and radio broadcast department for the foundaiton) and Deborah Brown (an American now living in Italy film director/producter/screen writer, who is filming a documentary about the "The City Invisible"). 


The foundation and the team give hope, life skills and education to some of the poorest children and the willing parents not just in Italy but in the world.  Nash Holdings anticipates to become a supporter with possible funds and more in the near future.  Valeria Bongiovanni, Valeria's graduate studies are in humanitarian and related social services.  This precious foundations teaches music and gives these children the gift of becoming musicians as the common denominator of their gift and education.  Pictures below are from our two day visit.

April 2016


Nash Holdings is now completing business opportunities in Europe for the past couple weeks with more to follow.  Robert Nash is currently in Italy and meeting with European business owners and investors presenting partnerships, business incentive programs (BIPP) and mostly priming the Executive Team that is responsible for high level financial opportunites that NHI has been given authority and approval to negotiate and offer.  The most impressive Mt. Etna in Sicily is the first and oldest volcano in all of Europe.

February 2016



full original version just select the pic below.

Robert Nash

November 18, 2015


Nash Holdings, Inc. (NHI) has now finalized final communications with our International Investment Partners that our business plans are 100% confirmed and moving forward.   Mr. Robert Nash, Director/President, will be traveling internationally to meet with our essential International Investment Partners to consummate agreements and merger(s).  Above and below are current pictures of of Nash and Senior Executive Nicholas Calcagno promoting NHI's latest Company 2015 business launches of "ALIVE ALOE - New Whole Bodies, Drinks Foods" and "U DO IT CREDIT FIXER - Book and Business Plan."  


Also, as part of our roll up and preparations with our International Investment Partners, our Company has received Senior Executive educational information from "Credit Suisse - Research Institute" regarding Global Investments, 2015 Emerging Consumers, 2015 Global Wealth Reports, 2015 Globalization vs Multipolar World, FAT-The New Health Paradigm, CS Gender 3000 - Women in Senior Management, 2015 Emerging Capital Markets - The Road to 2030 and more.  Credit Suisse is one of the TOP 10 Worldwide Banking Leaders that we are working with for "Large Multi Engineering Capital Investment Strategies and Options."   All of the TOP 10 Worldwide Banking Leaders will be utilized from this point on.

October 15, 2015


Nash Holdings, Inc. (NHI) will be completing a NASDAQ Globe newswire and video release, announcing the growing relationship with an European Investment Holdings Group that has been following NHI for about a year, with interests to financially invest and venture partner for both NHI's growing businesses and their own projects.  The upcoming NASDAQ Globe newswire and video release, in Times Square, NYC on NASDAQ's Tower Building in Manhatten.  The press/video release will contain more detail on this successful relationship.   Robert Nash has accepted the opportunity to become a Director and the face and voice, representing this new European "Holdings" company, worldwide.


NHI anticipates eliminating the Company's Preferred Stock Class A Equity Share Offering, currently filed with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, part of the Federal Congressional Approved JobsAct, and revise to offering, only the Company's Common Stock Class B Equity Shares in the very near future.  The Company is currently approved to sell future Stock Shares to Investors through subscription agreements, then Investors will later receive the actual Stock Shares after the Company (NHI) recieves their Company Ticker Symbol as anticipated.  NOTE: As of  July 2016 only Class B Common Shares are being marketed for purchase.

August 13, 2015


Our Company is proud to announce the Appointment of Mr. Pradeep Sapkota, from Chitwan, Nepal for approval in our Worldwide Public Relations, Representation and Marketing of our Company.  Inviting potential Investors, Business Partners, Distributors and NGO’s that show interest in our successfully growing Company. 


Recently Nash Holdings has been proactive when Pradeep called to ask for any assistance that we could participate in for relief of the recent Nepal earthquakes and related disaster to its good people.  We did not hesitate and we were successful in bringing Pradeep fast assistance from the American Red Cross with Mario Bruno (Washington, DC USA) and with Leela Mulukutla who is the Nepal Country Representative for the American Red Cross.  Our Company anticipates with future growth that we will be able to even more for the world with future Company philanthropy and possible NGOs.

July 2015


"U DO IT ~ CREDIT FIXER" is launced!  Select the picture just below to read our NASDAQ Globe News Wire Press Release in its entirety.  Our NASDAQ Tower Video Release on the Tower Big TV Screen in Times Sq. NYC is anticipated in que within 2-3 days!


Select the NASDAQ Globe News Wire Press Release picture below to read press release in its entirety.

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June 2015


Mr. Peter Gorton, Managing Partner of Lachman & Gorton Law Offices in Endicott, NY has always been a positive influence to Robert Nash for many years.  Mr. Gorton has always been generous with his time and other areas, especially his generosity with  giving to charitable causes.  Recently, in late June, Nash presented Peter Gorton with a portrait of Paul Newman by the artist "Fight Doctor Ferdie Pacheco", a 1 of 20 only created by Pacheco, from Nash's art collection, as a gift and personal thank you.  Paul Newman is one of Nash's favorite actors, but more importantly Newman is Nash's most admired leader in philanthropy with charities and social causes.  Peter Gorton is right up there with Paul Newman in Nash's opinion. 

Nash (L) with Peter Gorton

June 2015


Our Company has started our second banking relationship, adding Worldwide CHASE Bank with our ongoing business plans, along with TDBank 2 Wall St. NYC.  


Learning and working with CHASE's Middle Market Group, for future capital growth of $20mm+ will be impactual for our Company.  Robert Nash and Nick Calcagno will be attending CHASE Bank's "DOING GLOBAL BUSINESS IN CNY (Central NY) on June 2nd.   Our plans have always been to include several of the Top Banks especially the Top 25 Global Banks with our current successes, future successes and capital growth needs.  


Also, CHASE will be essential for our Company to introduce worldwide CHASE Business Leaders (Account Holders Globally) to our Company's Investment Opportunities and products like ALIVE ALOE ~ New Whole Bodies, Drinks Foods which we are the Exclusive Worldwide Distributor and Founder currently adding Exclusive Distributor Partners  Globally.  CHASE Bank understands what we stand for, built thus far and continue to build into our future.  Thank you CHASE Bank for your encouragement, leadership and optimism about our business model and banking needs.

May 2015


Nash Holdings has BIG PLANS to tap in to the profits of FILM PRODUCTION for feature entertainment films, short films, documentaries, educational training films and more!

March 25, 2015


ALIVE ALOE - Fast VIP Response After Last Weeks NASDAQ Press & Video Release!  Select any of the next four pictures below, to view Press Release

March 18, 2015

ALIVE ALOE ~ New Whole Bodies, Drinks Foods is LAUNCHED WORLDWIDE!


Select Nasdaq Globe Newswire pic above to view Alive Aloe Press Release

January 28, 2015


Nash Executive Team just completed another CRA webinar presented by Sara Altschuller, Counsel with Foley & Hoag with topic of:  "LEGAL & REGULATORY TRENDS RELEVENT TO THE CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY PRACTITIONER"

December 23, 2014


Nash Holdings is ready to launch ALIVE ALOE - NEW WHOLE BODIES, DRINKS FOODS in MARCH 2015!  Robert Nash has created his largest partnership with the Exclusive Worldwide Distribution Rights with a 100% ORGANIC PLANT consisting of oils and high conentrate to assist with the fighting of viral diseases and infections, while building NEW WHOLE BODIES and anticipated to be added to cold foods and beverages, much more!  Please view our ABOUT US tab in this website to view more detailed information.

December 11, 2014


Nash Holdings is very proud of Nick Peters our Senior Executive President of Sustainability and Architectural Design Planning Parent Company.  Nick is one of a group of high level architectural planners designing and completing the new Hilton Hotel in Myrtle Beach.  Congratulations Nick!  Nash Holdings is in agreement to purchase a large percentage of Nick's Company Tru Design Studios! (Nick is pictured below on the right)

October 2014

Robert Nash, Nick Calcagno and Frank "Skip" Follette attended Nash Holdings, 4th Annual COMMIT!Forum in Financial District Wall St. Marriott International as a past 2011 - 2015 Gold Member Company and Sponsor of the CRA - Corporate Responsibility Association and overall 5 Years of General Membership.
Robert Nash (center) as Nash speaks at the Brown Flynn Workshop discussing Material Assessment.  Also, Nash and VIP Executives of Nash Holdings, Inc. were hosted by KCG/Knight Team, exclusively for Nash Executives for the Closing Bell Ceremonies on the NYSE Euronext Trading Floor.

September 25th, 2014


Nash and NHI in the past  years were a Featured 2012 - 2015 Featured GOLD Member Company and a Past Member since 2011 -2015 of the Corporate Responsible Association (CRA).  As a past CRA Member we have attended the CR Magazine's COMMIT!Forum held in past years, in part at the NYSE EURONEXT and "CLOSING BELL CEREMONIES on TRADING FLOOR" Wall St., NYC.  NHI is a past Ambassador 2013.  NASH HOLDINGS TEAM WITH MORE TO CONVINCE YOU TO INVEST NOW!
NOTE - Our Featured Membership with the CRA and any of the related entities, associations or participating members IS NOT an endorsement of our Investment PRE IPO Filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or our participation with the NEW Congressional Jobs Act!
Robert Nash with The Former President and CEO of the NYSE EURONEXT, Duncan Neideraurer in past years pictures from 2011-2014 with Mr. Neideraurer at the NYSE EURONEXT "Closing Bell Ceremonies" on the Trading Floor at the past Annual COMMIT!Forum Events, as Nash attending as a past Corporate Featured GOLD Company Member of the Corporate Responsibility Association (CRA) and Commit!Forum 2011-2015
Nick Calcagno, President, Internal Operations and Frank "Skip" Follette, President, Restaurant Development of Nash Holdings, Inc. will be accompanying Founder & Chairman Robert Nash to Nash's fourth at the time of this post and past Annual COMMIT!Forum on October 8th and 9th 2014 in NYC Financial Wall St. District at the NY Marriott Financial District!
James Murren, President of MGM Resorts International and NEW Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Corporate Responsibiliy Association (CRA) with Robert Nash.

July 21st, 2014


Nash Holdings is now approving U.S. FINRA Licensed Brokers and International Broker Members Licensed with Stock Exchanges worldwide as PARTICIPATING BROKERS to offer our PRE IPO! - see more at "Investors & Brokers" tab!

June 25th, 2014

Nash Holdings the VIP Presenting Sponsor L.A. Music Awards Nominee Night!

Nash Holdings foundation in Entertainment, Hospitality, Food & Beverage anticipates our growing relationships with events like the L.A. Music Awards and Hollywood F.A.M.E. Awards, Film Festivals and Sports Events, our Company will be targeting catering, as well as, restaurants and related!
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With NASH HOLDINGS name on the marquee below, we were part of one of the most successful L.A. events!

June 17, 2014


Nash Holdings, Inc. will be The VIP PRESENTING SPONSOR at the "2014 LOS ANGELES MUSIC AWARDS Nominations" this June 19th, Thursday in Hollywood, CA at the "World Famous Whisky A Go Go" for this first of three 2014 events and following up in September and November as well!  Nash Holdings will be on the
"Whiskey A GO GO Marquee" and NHI Presenting All Night at the Awards!!!

Nash Holdings is proud to be an Associate Producer of the short film “STAY”.  STAY has been selected by the Manhattan Film Festival and Central Florida Film Festival, 2014 Editions, view below film credits, Robert Nash participated as an Associate Producer.

With the beautiful Ms. Gwen Banta talking real estate investments.
Gwen is in the top 3% Real Estate Producers with Sotheby's International Realty and an old friend of Bobby Nash.

Myrtle Beach "Crossfit UpDog Challenge"

Nick Peters one of Nash Holdings Top Executives and future Co-Owner placed 4th last weekend June 15th 2014 - Congrats Nick!

April 2014

Nash Holdings, Inc. has joined the "Greater New York City Chamber of Commerce - The Largest City Chamber of Commerce in the World"

February 2014

Nash Holdings SEC Regulation D 506c JOBS ACT - makes Corporate Responsiblity Association's (CRA) "In This Issue and News From Our Members" select link-button below and then scroll down to view the link(s).

Photo Release -- Nash Holdings, Inc. Completes Regulation D 506C Filing - NEW JOBS ACT Participation


February 17, 2014 Source: Nash Holdings, Inc., photo-release, Nash Holdings Executives, October 2013, NYSE EURONEXT after "Closing Bell Ceremonies" Trading Floor














“Nash Holdings, Inc., (“The Company”) a Wyoming C-Corporation, announced today that they have completed its Regulation D 506C Filing to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission on February 10, 2014 and the required “15 Day Hold Period” is now in effect before the Company may start its General Solicitation to Accredited Investors USA and internationally, which is impart is due to the Company’s participation with the Federal JOBS ACT.

Reg D Form 506c to the SEC EDGAR system and you may view by selecting the button link just below.

February 2014

The Company has now completed our PPM/Prospectus.  Today we have received our Acceptance from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for our Access  to use the EDGAR System.  In the next few days we anticipate to file our 506c to the SEC and once received we have a 15 day hold period.  However, we will be able to contact warm market and FINRA Approved Brokers to establish relationships immediately.  Once the 15 day hold period has lapsed we will move ahead with National and International General Solicitaion, Press Release etc.  This information is for our SEC filing for our upcoming Regulation D for our 506C (506C: JOBS ACT for General Solicitation to Accredited Investors).  


Nick Peters at the past 2013 CRA and CR Magazine's Annual COMMIT!Forum Summit - October 2013 Wall St. NYC which Nash Holdings in the past particpated in a four separate evenat as part of our past CRA Memberships.
Nash Holdings announces NICK PETERS, as our President of Architectural Design and Development for Nash Holdings.  Nick is currently Controller for Nash Holdings.  Nick is seen here on the construction site of the new $50M Hilton Tower being constructed in Myrtle Beach, SC.  His company, TruDesign Studio, played an integral role in the design and planning of the Hilton project. TruDesign Studio is anticipating to become a valuable "minor to major" acquisition of Nash Holdings Inc.  View more about Nick at our "NASH TEAM" tab above!
Many smaller business owners and/or smaller Investors believe that we are only accepting Investments from the Larger Fortune 1000 Companies or Largest Private Investors - this is NOT the case - we welcome all size of Investors.  
For this reason from the beginning of our Funding Round we have set our minimal Investment at $1,000 USD.  Also, our Common Stock Offering is open to International Investors as well, as we have been forthright about, in the past, as well.  We welcome all Investors of all "Accredited" calibers, thank you in advance for your support and Investment!

NHI is founded on two great pillars, trusted worldwide news and honest business dealings.

NY Phone: 929-NHI-MONY or 929-644-6669


Nash Holdings Inc. in 2014 was one of the first U.S. companies to file its Reg D 506C filing and offering to the U.S. Congressional JOBS ACT through the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. We have since withdrawn our filing to pursue our Nash Gold Digitial Coins and related Co-GP Wall St. Funds that are in the highest grade institutional funds sector with the top U.S. investment bank funds and creating positive disruption in both the investment fund and digital currency coin blockchain sectors as you will view within our website.

  • LinkedIn Long Shadow
  • Wix Twitter page




NHI NASH HOLDINGS, INC. stands with world citizens against racism, hate, discrimination of any kind.  As of March 2019 our "C" Corporation has now been moved to NY Secretary of the State Corporation filings, with the name of

"NHI NASH HOLDINGS, INC." and remain doing business under our long time copy written and known name of "NHI NASH HOLDINGS, INC." and with this website as our only corporate business website and information site, except for our basic social media profiles/accounts which are very limited and direct others to this site.

NHI Nash Holdings, Inc., Nash GP Capital, LLC, Nash Gold, LLC or any of our related entities - DO NOT SELL INVESTMENTS OR SECURITIES these are Private Investment Profit Clubs. We invite everyone to call us and find out how your can become a Managing Member of one of our LLC's and remember to note that all our our private equity funds are of the highest grade institutional funds (Top 10 USA Banks) in the world with required U.S. Federal Reserve Board-The FED Approval for all Risks.

NHI's Forward Looking Statements:  Any historical performance data represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results; Current performance may be different than the performance data presented; The Company is not required by law to follow any standard methodology when calculating and representing performance data; The performance of the Company may not be directly comparable to the performance of other private or registered funds or companies;  The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed upon the merits of or approved the securities, the terms of the offering, or the accuracy of the materials. We have expired on our Reg D 506C U.S. SEC Congressional JOBS ACT Filing as of 2022.


DISCLAIMER:  NHI NASH HOLDINGS, INC. (our Company a C-Corp located on the East Coast NY, USA - NOT a news media agency as our foundation)

is NOT part of,

owned by, has any ownership in or claims any direct affiliation of Amazon's

NASH HOLDINGS, LLC (a limited liability corporation located on the West Coast, USA and a news media agency as a foundation-parent company) which is part of Amazon's Group of Companies and this/their NASH HOLDINGS, LLC is the Parent Company of The Washington Post news agency. 


These two company names are merely a coincidence.  Ours a C-Corp and theirs a LLC and two separate business models for the majority of the foundations.


Our name was chosen for our Founder/Chairman's surname name:  Robert J. Nash NHI NASH HOLDINGS, INC.


We make it a point to communicate to everyone that we are not the other Amazon's - Nash Holdings, LLC and their is not any equity partnership, only our Amazon Prime and related affiliation is common.  We filed our Company C-Corp in July 2013 and Amazon purchased The Washington Post media news agency (Nash Holdings, LLC) in October 2013 as of public record, read below.


The Washington Post:

In October 2013, Jeff Bezos/Amazon Founder/Chair had purchased The Washington Post newspaper for $250 million in cash, under the name Nash Holdings LLC.  This also led to the exit of the longtime owners the Graham family who owned the paper for about 140 years straight.

However, our Company is an approved AMAZON AFFILIATE WORLDWIDE!  We want you to become excited about Amazon PRIME Memberships and college students for a low monthly cost of receiving yearly unlimited Amazon Internet Movies, yearly free FAST shipping and many other savings, bonuses and extras.  Remember Prime Pantry & Whole Foods for all you groceries and more!  Currently bringing NHI NASH HOLDINGS INC - AMAZON AFFILIATION has our first educational book with Amazon and we anticipate more products coming soon.  We are a long time business AMAZON PRIME MEMBER, lets get your PRIME account started today, select below to go to AMAZON NOW!


NHI Nash Holdings, Inc., Nash GP Capital, LLC, Nash Gold, LLC or any of our related entities - DO NOT SELL INVESTMENTS OR SECURITIES, we structure Member Managed LLC's with voting rights inside our ventures.  When we launch our U.S. based NASHDAX digital crypto exchange and list our NASH GOLD (NASHGD), BITCOIN, ETHEREUM, etc., we will register and be compliant with the U.S. Federal Reserve Board and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


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